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TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Embedded Database Management System Market 2011-2015 to grow at a CAGR of 13.5 percent over the period 2011-2015. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the ability of embedded DBMS to reduce the total cost of software and hardware systems. The Global Embedded Database Management System Market is also witnessing an increasing demand from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). However, the time to market pressure for the vendors could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.


TechNavio's report, the Global Embedded Database Management System Market 2011-2015, has been prepared based on an in-depth analysis of the market with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Global Embedded Database Management System market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.


Key vendors dominating this market space include IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp., Oracle Corp., SAP/Sybase Corp. and InterSystems Corp.

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約瑟夫.米其里(Joseph Michelli)/商業管理顧問

編按:在美國的UCLA 醫療體系,其頂級照護在全球備受推崇,作者從內部觀察,了解它如何成為令整個產業欣羨的對象—UCLA 體系的成功,來自組織上下的協同合作,與重視服務人才的遴選...。

 UCLA 的領導階層努力推廣有系統選擇服務人才的重要性,並界定出所謂「人才」,是接受訓練時能夠展現出優異能力的個人。史彼爾資深副主任在這過程中扮演相當吃重的角色,他說:「我們可以用運動能力,來比喻我們所說的服務人才。如果有兩個人同時接受相同的技能訓練,其中一位天生的運動才能遠勝於他人,這位人才在接受訓練後的進步幅度,會比其他人快得多、也大得多。回來說我們 UCLA,符合我們期待的人才,天生就能對於所服務的對象,付出真心的關懷,也會為自己每天的工作表現,盡最大的努力。」

 UCLA 跟許多有賴「服務人才」的卓越企業一樣(例如麗思卡爾頓飯店),請管理顧問公司「人才升級」(Talent Plus)協助提供科學化工具,使 UCLA 的領導者更有機會挑選到具有關懷能力天賦的人才。

 人才升級公司客戶關係經理蕾姆考(Rachel Lemkau)表示:「人才升級公司在過去幾年與 UCLA 醫療體系密切合作,根據應試者的思考、個性與行為,來選擇才能出眾的團隊成員並加以培養。UCLA 醫療體系制訂了一套『人才升級健康照護人員選才辦法』(Talent Plus Healthcare Professional Interview),用以挑選與訓練護理和行政人員,而我們也進行了相關研究,具體檢視 UCLA 這套選才方法的成效。我們先做了焦點團體訪談,分析工作表現高度優異者可能具備的各種關鍵特性,然後規畫出一套選才辦法來評估這些特性的影響程度。最後得出一套量化工具,供 UCLA 用來評量有哪些關鍵特性,符合其所強調的專業服務能力。」

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"Are we running today?"  

隨著近幾年,路跑風氣在台蓬勃發展,越來越多人陸續參加路跑活動,在這繁忙的都市叢林裡,跑步成為新興的火熱話題,全台各地跑步社團如雨後春筍般大量出現。除了定期團練或者規律的自主訓練外,若有位貼身夥伴能隨時提醒、鼓舞著自己,那是件多棒的事情?試想看看,當你好幾天都沒有去跑步時,他就會告知你;當你突破了過去的紀錄時,他也會第一時間發出喜訊,如此體貼的夥伴,更能增加你我對於跑步的熱情,而那個夥伴,就是 NIKE+ GPS watch

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 近來有些航空運輸業者推陳給顧客「低價機票」的經營模式,即LCC(low-cost carrier or low-cost airline),對於服務也有了不同以往的詮釋與想法。

 在日本提供低廉機票的Skymark Airlines於2012年5月19日提出了新的「服務概念(Service concept)」,就是例證。


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STOCKHOLM — Embedded Conference Scandinavia

Thingsquare, a pioneering provider of software connecting the physical world through the Internet, has selected IAR Embedded Workbench for developing its Thingsquare Mist connectivity platform for home and building automation, and for smart lighting. IAR Systems’ embedded software development tool chain gives Thingsquare and its customers the compact and highly efficient code that is fundamental when smart objects communicate with each other via the Internet.

Thingsquare and its customers contribute to the growth of systems for smart homes, smart offices and smart cities, based on battery-operated systems and low-power Internet communication. Thingsquare Mist uses Contiki, the open source operating system for the Internet of Things, created by Thingsquare co-founder Adam Dunkels.

IAR Embedded Workbench is the world’s most widely used tool chain for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit MCUs, and is available for more than 7,400 devices. The highly-optimizing C/C++ compiler and debugger tool suite is a completely integrated development environment for developing, building, and debugging embedded applications with strong requirements on performance and reliability.

“IAR Embedded Workbench provides an easy-to-use, efficient and reliable tool chain,” says Fredrik Österlind, CTO at Thingsquare. “Many of our customers demand tools from IAR Systems for their development projects and we are very pleased to show that IAR Embedded Workbench provides excellent development tools for Thingsquare Mist-based solutions. As it supports such a huge and comprehensive bandwidth of devices suitable for smart systems, it will also help us to stay flexible in our hardware choice.”

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IEI Launches Industrial SBC with Intel® HM61 Express Chipset for Various Cost-efficient Applications

IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), the global industrial PC innovator, announced the launch of the single board computers (SBCs) series featuring the Intel® H61 Express Chipset. Designed for scalability and cost optimization, the new SBC series with Intel® H61 Express Chipset and 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor enables one DIMM per channel of DDR3 1333 MHz. The Intel® H61 series integrates Intel® HD Graphics technology to deliver high-performance graphics and media processing without a discrete graphics card. The key features include, but not limit to, TPM V1.2 hardware security support provided by the TPM module and dual-channel 1333 MHz DDR3 SDRAM DIMM supporting up to 16 GB memory.

The IMB-H610 is a Micro ATX motherboard supporting LGA1155 Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3/Pentium®/Celeron® CPU with Intel® H61 chipset.  The IMB-H610 provides flexible expansion interfaces, including one PCIe x16 slot and three PCIe x1 slots. Extra frame grabber cards can be installed in the expansion slots to capture video images efficiently when applying the IMB-H610 in complex automation systems.  The IMB-H610 supports a wide range of I/O options including ten USB 2.0, five RS-232 ports, one RS-422/485 port, one PS/2 keyboard connector, one PS/2 mouse connector and four SATA 3Gb/s ports.

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ITTIA Database Enables Accelerated Development in ARM Architecture Ecosystem

Bellevue, WA — ITTIA announces the availability of its embedded database for the ARM™architecture. ITTIA provides embedded relational database software for developers of applications for mobile devices and other embedded systems. With ITTIA DB SQL's robust data management framework and ARM's hardware architecture, data is managed and accessed in a flexible and efficient way. Customers from industries such as consumer electronics, clean energy, medical devices, and robotics have already built state of art applications with ITTIA DB SQL on ARM.

ITTIA customers have reflected great interest in developing ARM-based embedded applications and, in response to this demand, ITTIA has continuously demonstrated its commitment and ability in providing a lightweight, high-performance, relational database solution on ARM.

The combination of ITTIA DB SQL data management abilities with ARM's low-power chips offers a great solution to protect data integrity, organize information, and share or distribute data across embedded development ecosystems.

ITTIA DB SQL is an ideal candidate for embedded and mobile applications developers on ARMTM cores, including StrongARM, ARM7TDMI, ARM9TDMI, ARM7EJ, ARM9E, ARM10E, XScale, ARM11, ARM Cortex-M, ARM Cortex-A, ARM Cortex-M, and ARM Cortex-R.

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上週末剛結束第二梯次的亞瑟士42K夢想達成馬拉松訓練營,許績勝老師傳授了寶貴的知識,課程一開始就提到受傷的問題,如果有跑步傷痛,原因有3個:1. 跑步技術、跑姿有問題,2.跑步配備有問題,3. 身體的能力沒提昇。

其實,跑步不只要讓體能和技術提升,吸收知識也很重要,現在大家都在倡導「聰明訓練Smart Trianing」,許績勝老師在跑步生涯裡從來不受傷,他的祕訣就是:熱身1小時,收操不到1小時也有40分鐘,可見跑步常識有多重要。下面教練將會帶著助教國立台灣體育運動大學的選手蘇嘉涵和蘇鳳婷,幫大家示範跑姿和訓練技巧。



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麥可.邁查克(Michael Michalko)/創造力專家





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Company also identifies one of its first customers that is utilizing memory solutions for next-generation SOCs that eliminate the need for circuit-based custom multiport physical memories

SANTA CLARA, CALIF. — Memoir Systems Inc., the Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) provider that delivers breakthrough embedded memory performance, today announced the availability of the second offering of its revolutionary commercial products: Renaissance™4X. Based upon the company’s award-winning Algorithmic Memory® technology, Renaissance 4X increases the memory performance of existing embedded memory macros by delivering up to a 4X increase in memory operations per second (MOPS). In addition, it eliminates the need to build custom multiport memories and can reduce area and power requirements by up to 60% compared to conventional physical multiport implementations. By combining Memoir’s patented memory algorithms with silicon-validated single-port/two-port memories, Renaissance 4X can generate memories with any read/write combinations for up to four active ports, easily achieving 4000 MOPS in a 28nm process.

IBM Microelectronics is one of Memoir’s first customers. Robert Busch, senior engineer, IBM, stated, "Innovative technologies, such as IBM's embedded DRAM, are pushing the performance envelope of system-on-a-chip designs. By working with Memoir, we can offer chip designers a highly efficient memory subsystem for SoCs that provides improved system throughput and fast time-to-market for complex products."

Renaissance 4X alleviates the need for custom memory solutions and creates a versatile memory portfolio offering of six multiport memory generators that cater to different memory requirements and application needs. Memoir’s product uses standard 6T BIST and DFT methodologies, contains RTL that has been exhaustively verified using formal methodologies, and does not require silicon validation. Through this combination of benefits, Renaissance 4X provides a significant time-to-market advantage, lowers product development cost and reduces risk. With Renaissance 4X, customers have flexibility and options not available with custom memory solutions. For instance, memory replication is area inefficient, requires much higher power and only works to increase read performance. On the other hand, custom multiport solutions have higher costs, risks, and require a longer time to market. This means that they are not generally offered by third-party IP suppliers.

“All of the traditional multiport solutions have major shortcomings,” explained Adam Kablanian, CEO of Memoir Systems. “Common amongst them are the high costs, risks and protracted development times that are associated with any custom silicon product. With Renaissance 4X, we are able to deliver a high performance, affordable, easy-to-use and versatile multiport memory solution that can address a wide range of requirements across the industry.”

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★ 你錯過耐力訓練

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麥可.邁查克(Michael Michalko)/創造力專家





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IEI Launches D525 Series 3-slot Fanless Embedded System

IEI Technology Corp. (IEI)the global industrial computing innovator, released a fanless embedded system with Intel® D525 series processor, the TANK-800-D525. It features a dual-core Intel® Atom™ D525 processor, on-board 1GB DDR3 memory and one DDR3 SO-DIMM slot supporting up to 2 GB memory. The TANK-800-D525 is characterized by its flexible PCI/PCIe expansion slots that satisfy customized needs. With dual PCIe GbE LAN, the TANK-800-D525 is ideal for high speed network applications.

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Oct 05, 2012 (Datamonitor via COMTEX) -- IAR Systems Group AB, a supplier of software tools for programming of chips in embedded systems, has announced that Thingsquare has selected IAR Embedded Workbench to develop its Thingsquare Mist connectivity platform for home and building automation, and for smart lighting.
According to the company, IAR Systems's embedded software development tool chain gives Thingsquare and its customers the compact and efficient code that is fundamental when smart objects communicate with each other via the Internet.
IAR Embedded Workbench is the used tool chain for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit MCUs, and is available for more than 7,400 devices. The highly-optimizing C/C++ compiler and debugger tool suite is a completely integrated development environment for developing, building, and debugging embedded applications with strong requirements on performance and reliability, the company said.
Embedded System"IAR Embedded Workbench provides an easy-to-use, efficient and reliable tool chain," said Fredrik Osterlind, CTO at Thingsquare. "Many of our customers demand tools from IAR Systems for their development projects and we are very pleased to show that IAR Embedded Workbench provides excellent development tools for Thingsquare Mist-based solutions. As it supports such a huge and comprehensive bandwidth of devices suitable for smart systems, it will also help us to stay flexible in our hardware choice."
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Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. - Where Challenges Drive Innovation®

Mercury Computer Systems (www.mc.com, NASDAQ: MRCY) is a best-of-breed provider of commercially developed, open sensor and Big Data processing systems, software and services for critical commercial, defense and intelligence applications. With over 30 years of experience in embedded computing, superior domain expertise in radar, EW, SIGINT, EO/IR and C4I applications, and more than 300 successful program deployments including Aegis, Patriot, SEWIP, Gorgon Stare and Predator/Reaper, Mercury's Services and Systems Integration (SSI) team leads the industry in partnering with customers to design and integrate system-level solutions that minimize program risk, maximize application portability and accelerate customers' time to market.

Mercury is based in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and serves customers worldwide through a broad network of direct sales offices, subsidiaries and distributors.

Forward-Looking Safe Harbor Statement  Embedded System

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including those relating to the products and services described herein. You can identify these statements by the use of the words "may," "will," "could," "should," "would," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "continue," "estimate," "project," "intend," "likely," "forecast," "probable," and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or anticipated. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, continued funding of defense programs, the timing of such funding, general economic and business conditions, including unforeseen weakness in the Company's markets, effects of continued geopolitical unrest and regional conflicts, competition, changes in technology and methods of marketing, delays in completing engineering and manufacturing programs, changes in customer order patterns, changes in product mix, continued success in technological advances and delivering technological innovations, changes in the U.S. Government's interpretation of federal procurement rules and regulations, market acceptance of the Company's products, shortages in components, production delays due to performance quality issues with outsourced components, inability to fully realize the expected benefits from acquisitions and divestitures or delays in realizing such benefits, challenges in integrating acquired businesses and achieving anticipated synergies, changes to export regulations, increases in tax rates, changes to generally accepted accounting principles, difficulties in retaining key employees and customers, unanticipated costs under fixed-price service and system integration engagements, and various other factors beyond our control. These risks and uncertainties also include such additional risk factors as are discussed in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. The Company cautions readers not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made.

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